Monthly Archives: April 2006


Let’s see…since I’ve last updated… I finished a scrapbook for Brannan and made her a dress.  I now starting another scrapbook for Brittany, Brannan’s best friend.

We went to the Believers homeschool graduation today.  They are always so inspirational and renew my belief in homeschooling.  It was fun to see all the young people and get to visit with them and so many of our homeschool friends. I enjoyed watching Brannan and Jacob as they visited with their friends.  I found it interesting that one year ago we were at Brannan’s graduation and now this year she was there as a pregnant wife. Time changes so many things and God is so good in His blessings to allow us to be part of the changes.  I watched my daughter, a young woman, a great sister, a blessing to her dad and I.  Here she is a young wife about to become a momma.  Her life long dream. I watch Chynell and wonder what God has in store for her.  What her blessings in life will be and how will she continue to bless those who know her.  Ahh, yes…God is so good.  I am so blessed to be momma to these beautiful girls. My cup truly runs over!


Like father like daughter (Brannan at 4 months)


.  Celebrating mine and Kevin’s birthday with Kevin’s mom, stepdad and our family.


I like this picture better than the last one. Brannan at 4 1/2 months.

Bran & Jacob



wow what a day.  I sat down at my new sewing machine.  Now mind you my old one and I worked together faithfully for 19 years.  It’s been through making maternity clothes, baby outfits, matching Mothers Day dresses for my girls and I and through teaching my girls to sew.  So, now I have a new computerized machine.  I sat down ready to make some dresses for Brannan…ack…I have to look at the book for everything.  I think I know what to do but I want to double check so I won’t mess up my machine or the dress.  It is taking far longer to do this dress than it should.  Plus my eyesight is really not what it should be.  So what should be simple has turned into a chore.  It made me think how my life is with God.  I need to make sure and check out the manual (my Bible) and listen to the instructor (in my prayer time) so I don’t make mistakes and rely on my poor vision and make a mess out of things. Good lesson for me.

Enjoy your day.


Happy Birthday to us! We’ve had a great weekend.  My birthday was Sunday and Kev’s was yesterday.  Brannan and Jacob were here for the weekend and Kevin’s mom and stepdad came out on Sunday.  We had a big birthday dinner for us both and did the presents thing. Kev and Chyn gave me a day at a spa, getting a facial thing and manicure.  Kevin told me to pamper myself on the day I go. What a guy!  Jacob and Brannan gave us their ultrasound picture in a double frame and we’ll put Brittany’s ultrasound picture with it. That’s so cool.

Last night Chyn and I took Kev to dinner for his birthday.  He chose Chinese.  Mind you he is NOT suppose to eat any shell fish due to his allergy to iodine.  So he eats two small bites of crab.  All the while Chyn and I are both telling him not to eat it. Within minutes his chest is hurting and he’s having pain. At 11:30 he finally took some Benadryl which didn’t help.  I just figured we were gonna end up at the VA…but it has worn off by this a.m.  He said repeatedly..I’ll never eat shell fish again. Hopefully a lesson learned!

So today I am working on what we’ll do at my scrapbook demo tomorrow night..playing with liquid glass..very cool.  Plus I’m making a dress for Brannan. 

It’s suppose to be 85 today…think I’m ready to put up the pool pretty soon.




Here’s Brannan “trying out” her 9 month look…LOL



Here’s Brannan and Jacob at her for real 4 month look.


We had a great weekend.  Guys went golfing on Saturday while Brannan, Chynell and I did girl stuff. We had a great birthday dinner on Sunday for me and Kev.  I’m so blessed. 


I completely finished Brannan’s scrapbook. I am so happy to have it done. I am so proud of it.   Now next week I’ll make her 2 dresses.  After that I will do her best friends wedding scrapbook. 

This weekend….Brannan and Jacob are here.  Guys going golfiing on Saturday, girls have a baby shower for a young family in our church.  Sunday is birthday dinner for Kev and I.