Monthly Archives: April 2008


I got everything finished yesterday that I sat out to do and even more…I am loving working on all the things for Arianna’s wedding. I so wish I could be there for the wedding.

On a different note…last night as we were heading to bed, about 11 p.m., the lights went out..we could tell a transformer went out but when we looked outside..the whole town was in a blackout. From what we hear it was as far as the town about 20 miles from here. Still don’t know what happened but talk about dark. I did think it was pretty neat when you went outside…all you saw were the beautiful stars and candles flickering in the homes in the neighborhood. Very peaceful. Sometime around 2 a.m. they came back on. I kinda liked it without…hmmm.

off to have surgery…


So last night I got all the reception invites finished for my niece..and ran out of ribbon…now i have to go 35 miles today to get more…what’s left to do today…pay bills, vacuum, laundry, take the girls to TEAM, make to art projects for my SS class, do dinner and finish the invites…


it’s such a beautiful day. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have so much to do before tomorrow night so that when I have surgery on Wednesday I won’t have to mess with anything for a while. I have laundry to do, bills to pay and mail, girls to get to TEAM, wedding invites to get done for my niece, crafts to get ready for my SS class and the teachers that are taking it for me, and a ton of little piddly things. I guess I should get started by getting off this computer…


What a nice day we had. Chynell and I went to Ft.Smith to the Believers homeschool graduation. Chynell got to spend time with her friends that she hasn’t seen in awhile. I enjoyed watching them interact. Some of the have known each other since they were like 8 or 9 years old. Brannan, Jacob and Nate were there. I spent the whole graduation playing with Nate out in the halls or outside. The weather was perfect which made for a very nice day. After visiting at the reception for awhile with some parents and graduates that I haven’t seen in awhile we left and headed back. Now to get dinner going while Kevin and Chynell take care of the horses.

I am making the wedding invitations for my niece that is getting married in July and I want to have them done by tonight so all I have to do is attach the pictures when they arrive next week. They look really nice. I am so excited for them. It all just brings back such wonderful memories of when Kevin and I got married..kind of same set up, he is military, they are getting married, and immediately moving to their new location…we did the exact same thing…awww….new love….


The girls go once a week and volunteer at TEAM..a Theraputic Equestrian Association of McAlester. I think they were having a little too much sugar on the way home.


and maybe smelling a bit too much horse…..



So we just got back from the surgeon. He said my gallbladder walls were thick and I had stones. So I have surgery next Wed. a.m. to remove it. Kevin and I are praying this will resolve a few little issues I’ve had for a while that can come with this whole deal. The surgeon was pretty concerned about my blood pressure. It went high like overnight and has been that way sporactly for a week. The surgeon said he’s hoping removing the gallbladder will correct that but if not he’s gonna pursue what to do about it. In the mean time I have to keep a chart of my blood pressure twice a day for a few weeks.   boring….

anyway..if you don’t mind..we could use some prayers right now..this is my second surgery in 2 months.. we need prayers for healing with this surgery and financial healing with the future bills.


Well at the beginning of the week I was looking at what lay before me and I was trying to think how to fit it all in. I have learned a long time ago that I can never count on things to go as planned ‘coz things always change..having the hospital stay on Tuesday night kind of threw a wrench in the week but yet I still got everything done that I had set out to do on Monday. Saturday we took the RV out to pick up Chyn’s horse and head to the arena for her first show of the year. As Kevin and Chynell were getting us ready to leave from the pasture I was listening to how peaceful it was. There was dew on the grass and mist in the pasture that was so calming. You can hear birds and the horses. It was the perfect ending to the week we had.  At the arena we had time together as a family all day and it was wonderful. Kevin’s mom and stepdad came out and visited with us for a few hours.We had taken our own food so in between Chyn’s show times we sat in lawn chairs in the shade visiting and relaxing. I really was thankful for the day.


And this is how our day ended…2 second place and 3 third. Not bad at all for the first show of the year.
