Monthly Archives: April 2007


This last week Kevin, Chynell and I went to Branson for a few days. Chynell has wanted to see the Dixie Stampede since she was about 4 or 5. I felt so blessed that we finally got to take her. It was a great show and dinner. We had such a good time. We slept in, relaxed, walked around, ate, bought a new handmade quilt, went to the Bass Pro shop (our favorite one in Springfield, MO.) and relaxed by the pool each night. We came home very refreshed. I am so glad we went.









These are some of my favorite pictures of our Nate the Great. He’s now 7 months old and the love of our lives. He recognizes us, looks for us, reaches for us, plays and laughs with us. He crawls,climbs, loves to jump, tries new food, walks along whatever he can, sits with his hands folded, loves it outside, kisses his mommy, misses his daddy during the day, tries to out talk anyone talking, blows bubbles, plays “lizard” with his tongue and continues to melt our hearts.



             Little Lizard



smile tub

    Little man after his daddy’s heart.


smile bsktball





    found mommy’s pen


pen smile

  sweet potatoes are not Nate’s favorite



We are leaving here this afternoon to head up to stay a few days with Brannan and her family. Kevin has several VA appointments in the next two days to see if he’s going to have surgery again. After that we are going to Branson for a few days to just relax. We are taking Chynell to see the Dixie Stampede and the rest of the time we are going to laugh, eat fudge, swim in the indoor pool and just relax. We haven’t done this in a real long time and we are all really looking forward to it. Please keep Kevin in your prayers that the surgeons would have wisdom and that our time away would be trouble free and stress free.  And on that note…I’ll post again on Saturday with lots of pictures.


Good Morning…it’s warm and kind of muggy and I have such a busy day ahead of me. Chyn and I have to run to Antlers and then McAlester this morning. I’m not excited about all that but what I am excited about is my weigh in. This morning I worked out and had my weigh in. I lost 1 lb., 5.75″ and 1.54% in body fat..that gives me a total of losing 14.75″, 5 lbs. and 4.30% in body fat. I am very happy with that. I would love to see the scale change more but I feel it in my clothes and the way I feel. That all works great for me.


Such a good day. Kevin and I got to sleep in. Sunshine, warm weather, open windows. Our town is having a celebration for the Oklahoma 100 years this weekend. There were street festivals this weekend and live bands. Living a block off of main street I could hear the bands playing all day. That was a nice added bonus to my day. I got laundry done AND I ordered more pictures for the scrapbook I’m working on AND I got to work on a scrapbook. I actually got quite a bit done. It’s been a good day.


O.K. I had a God moment today that I just have to share.  A few weeks ago I let Nate play with my watch and in the process the band got messed bigee..then about a week ago my battery died. I kept wearing it to remind me to get a new battery. I really just needed a new watch and had planned to just go get one but I really was convicted today that I needed to be more frugal with our money. So I decided I’ll just get a new battery and then when it dies I’ll get a new watch. So in the store I go and bought a battery. The sales people had the hardest time getting the back off…finally did it..battery in…really hard time getting back on again..went through 4 people trying…used a little machine..and wala..back is on..time is reset..and it won’t we are all laughing about it.They look at it and the head sales person said well we broke it so you get a new watch for free. I couldn’t believe it. I pick out a watch and then she goes..oh ya, I need to give you your money back for the battery. Not only did I leave with a free watch but got my money back for the battery. It just gives me shivers when I see God work like that. I had to call several people to tell them. Matt.6:25-34


The first part of the Rodeo Queen competition is over…and she made it. Chynell worked her little hiny off. She sold and sold and made calls and walked the main street stores and talked with people and she sold her $1500.00 worth of tickets. She now advances to keep selling and then being interviewed in June. She will find out at the rodeo on June 16 who the Rodeo Queen is. But at this point she gets a saddle, which she picked out yesterday. It’s beautiful. Very nice! We are so proud of her..she had a goal and she didn’t give up.



Well the visit is over. My mom and my brother, from California, were out here for a visit. My brother left last Thursday and my mom left this morning. We really did have a good visit..just family time. It was the first time that either of them had met Nate and the first time that my brother had ever been out to visit. Really was the whole motivation of the trip was to meet Nate. Of course we did the whole picture thing the whole time they were out here.

My mom, Nana, and Nate.


The whole mom, Kevin, Chynell, Marty, me, Nate, Jacob and Brannan on Easter Sunday.


2 great grandma’s and Nate…Kevin’s mom, Mamaw and my mom, Nana.


4 generations…mom, me, Brannan and Nate.


The boys…Uncle Marty and Nate. Nate is the first boy in our family since Marty was born.


Chyn and Uncle Marty at Robbers Cave.


Marty, Nate and the girls.


Nana and Chynell


mom and us.



Today is Kevin’s 45th birthday. I don’t even know where to begin. I met Kevin when he was 19. I was with his best friend and we went to pick him up. You know how they say when you see someone and your heart actually skips a beat..well that happened to me. We were very good friends for 3 years before we ever got together and became a couple. It was 4 months later and we were engaged and married 5 months after that. To this day I stand in awe that Kevin chose me to be his wife. He is more than I ever dreamed of. He loves me and adores me. He always puts me first. He goes out of his way to make me know without a doubt that I am number 1 in his life. Kevin is funny, always making me and other around him laugh. He is loyal to those he loves. Kevin is always very passionate about whatever is in his life, whether it’s me and our family or some new project he is taking on. One of the things I have admired about him is that whenever he sees something he wants to try he doesn’t sit back and watch he just does it and most always does it very well. He never does things half way. He adores his girls and is so happy to have a son-in-law in the family. Nate has taken his heart and ran away with it. Kevin can never be around enough babies and children. If we could have he would have easily welcomed many children in our family. Affection is a part of Kevin’s life, he never leaves the house to even go across the street without telling me he loves me and kissing me. He says you never know if that will be the last time we talk or see each other. Kevin is a wonderful pastor, he spend countless hours caring for and spending time with his flock. What a blessing to have him as my pastor. I love this man so much. I think of him and his love for me and all he means to so many people and tears always fill my eyes.

Kevin L. Happy Birthday baby! I love you!

Some of Kevin’s favorite things…

 Banana pudding, fishing, Nate, hunting, his girls, spending time with me, homemade lemon cookies, the ocean,Nate, jacuzzi’s, singing bass in a group, spending time with his friends, Nate, his mom, homemade ice cream, root beer freezes, lightening storms, the mountains, mowing the lawn and talking to God, time with the 3 of us in our RV, online poker with his daughter, his extended family, laughter, making me laugh when I’m upset.

kevin at 6 weeks old.


When Kevin and I met, he’s 19 here.


Oh my gosh look at those eyes, 21 years old.


Our wedding day. Kevin at 22.


Married 3 months. Kevin is on his way to Germany.


Father’s day, at 30.


One of his favorite things to 41


Brannan’s wedding…43


I love his silliness..he loves to have fun…at 44.


Still makes me weak in the knees at 44.


Shiloh, Chyn and Kevin.


Just us.


Kevin’s new favorite person, Nate the great and Pops.


A kiss to melt Kevin’s heart.



Today is my birthday, my 48th birthday. I don’t feel 48. Though I do feel that I have had a wonderful fun loved filled 48 years. I couldn’t have asked for a better 48 years. I have always had people in my life who have loved me and who have loved God. I have a great life. My husband is ..well…I am absolutely positive he is one of a kind and I am so thankful he picked me. He always makes me laugh. He puts me above all others. I love him so much and just adore everything about him. We have two beautiful daughters who I love spending time with. I have been blessed with a great son-in-law and the cutest grandson you could ever imagine. I have great health. I have a church family and good friends that I love. My husband supports me in being a stay home mom and encourages me in whatever I want to do. Yep, I have a had a great life so far. I am so looking forward to this next year. Happy Birthday to me.

Some of my favorite things.

I love cats, children, to sing at church..or in the car, to make Kevin laugh, strawberries and angel food cake, to lay out in the sun in our pool, time alone with Kevin, time alone with our family, scrapbooking, taking pictures of our family ( sorry Jacob), any Mexican or Chinese food, exercising, playing with gardening, going for drives for no reason with Kevin and Chyn, laughing, the way Kevin looks at me, mowing the lawn on the riding lawnmower, my curly hair, playing with my grandson Nate, my cats taking a nap with me, all of my pictures from the past,

Me at about 3 years old.


My 18th birthday.


21, at Disneyland


Just getting together with Kevin, at 24.


Our wedding, at 25.


In Germany, at 27.


my favorite thing..being a mom…at 33

us 3

at my daughter, Brannan’s, wedding, at 46.

mom and bran

our 22 anniversary, last year…at 47


Christmas with the whole gang.
