Monthly Archives: October 2013

Different but the same.


Shopping for winter clothes with the babies, where they get to pick out their own clothes, really showed their little big personalities.

Iz chose preppy type clothes


Nate is our cool skater kid


And of course Moxi is our dancing princess


So much fun watching these guys grow and develop their own tastes in even their clothes. Such big personalities for such little people.




best friends


Brannan and Brittany met when they were 8 and 9 years old and immediately became best friends. It’s so much fun to watch them keep that relationship going, thru school, boyfriends, husbands, babies and all that life brings them.

Now it’s even more fun watching their children become close friends. I love watching the boys be boys..figuring out how to make a raft in the creek and just running all over the property and enjoying life..and you can’t forget the girls being “princesses”.

Life is good when we are all together. photo1





“Before I Knew Your Name”


To our new growing grandbaby..can’t wait to meet you this summer.

Before I knew your name,
Before I saw your chin and your nose,
Before I counted your fingers and toes,
I asked heaven for someone as wonderful as you,
And ever prayer and wish came true.
I dreamed of you…
Before I knew your name.







39 years


Keith and I met in 1974, during my sophmore year of high school. Who knew then that we’d be such life long friends. We have seen each other thru sad and bad times and thru a lot of laughing and good times. Last week he and his wife, Tammy, came out and visited with us for about 3 days. We had such a nice time catching up. I am already looking forward to our next visit.






I think little boys never change in many ways. But being a grandpa, or Pops, and getting to be a little boy with your grandsons must be a really cool feeling. I know it’s pretty neat to get to observe as a Geema.


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