Monthly Archives: January 2011


Today Jim, Tim and Kevin put in our new kitchen floors. They are beautiful. I am so proud to have them in our home. It makes me feel like I need to put flowers on the table and maybe a new stainless steel sink and how ’bout a new..
Nah..right now we are just sitting back and admiring God’s blessing.


Yesterday we went to the baby shower for Miss Moxi Jo. She is so laid back. She slept through most of it. There was good food, meeting new friends and little outfits to oohh and awww over.

Grandma Laura and Miss Moxi

cousin Elianna.

and the star of the show, Miss Moxi Jo


Yesterday we went to the baby shower for Miss Moxi Jo. She is so laid back. She slept through most of it. There was good food, meeting new friends and little outfits to oohh and awww over.

Grandma Laura and Miss Moxi

cousin Elianna.

and the star of the show, Miss Moxi Jo


This past Wednesday we had our very first family reunion with EVERYBODY. 18 people were here at our house, eating, laughing, and not sleeping very much. During the day we had 3 more here. That is a lot of people that we fed and fit into our house, 2 RV’s, 2 air mattresses, 3 bedrooms. I love how we sat and talked about old memories but how we made so many new ones.

my mom, my brother , my sister and me

my mom and the grandkids, Brannan, Chynell, Tawni and Arianna

my mom and the great grandbabies Nate, Elianna, Moxi and Israel

Uncle Marty and the girls

not cousins…extended sisters

Chynell, Kevin and myself

Nate, Jacob, Israel, Brannan and Moxi

Israel & Nate

Chynell & Travis

Tawni, Wes and Daretta

Emman, Elianna & Arianna


Uncle Marty and the babies



Just In Time
My grandma and my great Aunt always had these chairs on the front porch or on the lawn. When there was an overflow of company they would be drug into the house. For our whole marriage I have wanted some so badly. Two days ago, as my husband was on his way out of town, and in a hurry, he ran across these chairs. He took time to stop and buy them for me. I can’t tell you how this makes me feel to have these chairs. Just in time for our family reunion this weekend. I am so happy!


For about 7 months we have planned this. My oldest daughter, Brannan, my oldest niece, Arianna, and myself. We have taken polls, looked at weather, prayed, look at flights..and it’s finally happening. As of tonight the first of 18 people will be here in our home for a family reunion. This is the first time that we will all be together, kids, grandkids, 4 great grandkids and my mom. We are gonna laugh and eat and laugh some more. I can’t wait! There is lots to be done today..but tonight it begins. My oldest niece and her family will be here. Tomorrow night my oldest daughter and her family will be here. On Friday everyone else gets here, my brother, my mom, my sister and her family. During Sat. and Sun. we have 3 more coming just for the day hours. So….look for pictures on here…lots of pictures. This is gonna be so fun..or in the words of my daughter..this is gonna be epic!