Monthly Archives: June 2006


Kevin getting kisses from Shiloh’s baby, Samson.  He is so attached to Kevin. He follows Kev around in the pen and nuzzles on his face and shoulder.


Chynell grooming and combing out Shiloh’s tail.


Chynell is so proud of her she is cleaning it.


Chyn’s new saddle stand, in her room.



Here is Brannan and baby at 7 months.  Yesterday she called and said she felt the baby kicking her up in her ribs. That is something you’ll cherish…you can feel that little life inside you trying to move around.





We had a great weekend.. we did nothing!  I mean we laid around and talked, watched some t.v., read. I am pretty sure Kevin had a good Fathers Day.  At least he said he did, other than being in pain every time he breathes.

Kevin and his girls for Fathers Day.


Kevin left for kids camp today.  I already miss him and have to do my best not to cry when he’s gone..once I start I won’t be able to stop.  So..I  took Chyn to see Shiloh, and to McDonalds for a McFlurry , cleaned the pool and put chemicals in it. then about 11 p.m. I cleaned my house really good, did all the laundry.  I always have to stay up really late when Kevin’s not here so I can fall asleep easily.

The rest of the week…spend time with Chynell, lay in the pool, work on scrapbooks and finish a book I’m reading.  


Kevin has been in a lot of pain since Sunday.  He’s hurt when he breathes or tries to sleep or moves at all.  After going to the ER on Sunday at the VA and then back again today to see his doctor..after lots of x-rays, ultrasound and lots of blood work they finally decided he has separated the cartlidge under his ribs. Ouch!  Now it’s pain medicine, ice pack and up to 8 weeks to heal it. His doctor said it may get worse before it gets better and it does and will feel like a broken rib.  Ouch!  Funny thing is we don’t even know how he did it.  Anyway please say a prayer for him. He has plans to go to kids camp next week.  I’m not excited about that but God always takes care of Kevin. 

Got to see Brannan for a bit today.  She is getting larger by the day.  But she looks so healthy.  Chynell spent the day with her while we were at the VA. Does my heart good for the girls to spend time together. Baby will be here in like 12 weeks or so.

We went to Heavener last night to stay with Kevin’s mom and stepdad before we headed up to Fayetteville this morning.  She had dinner on the table when we walked in. She and Chyn played board games most of the night and some this morning.  I have the best in-laws. 


Brannan and our grandbaby at 6 1/2 months. She’s telling her dad something..hence the


Baby room…and a huge bear from Grandma Laura, Jacob’s stepmom.




  oh man…Kev was in a lot of pain yesterday and it hurt when he took a breath so about 3:30 we headed up to Fayetteville to the VA. and dropped Chynell off at Brannan & Jacob’s. After x-rays and lots of blood work they decided he was having a flare up with his IBS, which has not happened in years. Back to pick up Chynell, visit for a few minutes then head back.  I think it was about 11:30 when we got home.  Chynell was feeling sick, Kev had to do some things to relax his gut so it was late when we got to bed. 

  Please pray for Kev.  He had some odd numbers come back on his blood work at the VA and we get the results on all that this Friday.

 Today is a new day.  Kevin is feeling much better. Chyn is o.k.  I am going to scrapbook today and then mow the lawn in the morning.  It’s going to be a busy week.



yeah VBS is over.  It was great, even though I was sick the whole week.  Last night was parents night. The kids did great..the pre-K and kindergartners wanted to just jump around and clap during their song but they were so cute.  All of the older groups did great.  It was a good night.  It was a great week.  I’m glad it’s over.


Kev went fishing late last night so Chyn and I had a mom and daughter night. We stayed out in the pool for awhile, came in and ate ice cream and then stayed up until like 1 a.m. I just dozed off and Kevin came in at like 2.  So… early this morning people are knocking at the door and calling on the phone.  I finally gave up and just got up.    Don’t ya just hate it when that happens?



Last night we started VBS. I love VBS..the excitement from all the children and all the workers.  This is the first year I have ever taught Music and I was very concerned that I would just flop at it big time.  But then I remembered ..who was I doing this for?  An audience of one or for an audience of many?  It brought my heart back in line. I figured if I had to use the video to help us I could, as long at the kids learned the songs.  It ended up I didn’t need any helps at all. In fact the last time we did the theme song without even the words on the screen and the kids were great.  The kicker is that I am sick.  I have a terrible sore throat and sore glands and headache.  I think I had a fever last night becuase I was sweating like crazy and they brought in a fan and put it near me.  Did I mention that from yesterday to today I lost 1.5 pounds?  I’m taking plenty of Echinacea, Vit. C, tylenol and liquids..but this is all showing me that God works miracles..he is using me, sick and all, fearful of failing at teaching these songs, and the kids are learning them easily and having a blast doing them.  I love it when God does stuff like this! Use me God, please use me as I play for an audience of one.